Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Koltai, Júlia

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2024–


Scientific section: Section of Economics and Law (Section IX)
MTA identification number: 10056421
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10056421

Research fields

Computation social sciences


HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University


Júlia Koltai carries out research in the field of computational social science, which lies at the intersection of data science and social sciences. Her research focuses on how social processes and patterns can be understood through large-scale, mainly digital data. She graduated in 2007 from ELTE in Sociology, majoring in Survey Statistics, defended her PhD thesis in 2013 and gave her habilitation lecture in 2022. In 2017, she was awarded a grant from the New National Excellence Programme for ‘The application of Big Data and natural language processing in the social sciences’, and in 2019 she was supported by the national scientific research fund (OTKA) Young Researcher Grant for the research ‘The social historical analysis of the press between 1945 and 1989 using natural language processing (NLP) methods’. Since 2022, she has been leading the Hungarian team of the Vienna Science, Research and Technology Fund’s research project ‘Humanized Algorithms: Identifying and Mitigating Algorithmic Biases in Social Networks’. Júlia started her research in 2014 at the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where she currently leads the MTA–TK Lendület “Momentum” Digital Social Science Research Group for Social Stratification and the Social Science Research Group of the National Laboratory for Health Security as a senior research fellow. Between 2019 and 2021, she was a visiting professor at the Department of Network and Data Science of the Central European University, and has been teaching at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences since 2008, currently as a habilitated associate professor. She has been a supervisor of several doctoral students, author of more than 60 international and Hungarian journal articles and book chapters, and multiple winner of the Centre for Social Sciences’ Publication of the Year Award. In 2020 she received the ELTE Promising Researcher Award and in 2022 the Ferenc Erdei Memorial Medal, awarded by the Hungarian Sociological Association for outstanding achievements of young sociologists.

HYA-related publications

In 2022, the Council of the European Union suspended research funding for Hungarian universities run by public trusts, stating that they were failing to uphold academic freedom and transparency. As this debate continues, Hungarian academics are increasingly isolated.

In 2022, citing the erosion of transparency and academic freedom in Hungary, the Council of the European Union suspended research related EU funding and exchange programmes to Hungarian universities run by newly established public interest trusts. There has been unceasing debate between the EU and Hungary since then, while the recent initial hearings of the universities’ appeals in the Court of Justice of the European Union suggest that lasting suspension will be the outcome. Here we summarize a comprehensive survey that reveals a troubling landscape for the Hungarian academic and research communities as a consequence of the ban. Particularly alarming is the pronounced impact on early career researchers, not just from institutions directly affected by the suspension but, strikingly, from those still eligible for funding. The findings of the survey underscore a pervasive uncertainty among non-Hungarian EU consortia leaders about whether to engage with Hungarian universities and research institutes at all. This climate of doubt may well result in detrimental effects on the international stature of Hungarian research, hinting at long-lasting impediments to the country's scientific competitiveness on the European stage.

2022-ben az Európai Unió Tanácsa az átláthatóság és az akadémiai szabadság csorbulására hivatkozva felfüggesztette az alapítványi fenntartású magyar egyetemek uniós kutatási forrásokhoz és csereprogramokhoz való hozzáférését. Az EU és Magyarország között azóta is folyamatos a vita, hat egyetem fellebbezésének közelmúltbeli első tárgyalása az Európai Unió Bíróságán pedig a források elhúzódó felfüggesztését valószínűsíti. Az alábbiakban egy átfogó kérdőíves felmérés eredményeit foglaljuk össze, amely a magyar tudományos- és kutatói közösséget érintő, a felfüggesztés következtében kialakult helyzetet tárja fel. Az eredmények közül különösen riasztó az a megállapítás, amely szerint a hatások nemcsak a felfüggesztett intézményekben dolgozókat, hanem a még finanszírozásra jogosult intézmények munkatársait is érintik. A felmérés eredményei rámutatnak arra az átható bizonytalanságra is, amely az EU-s kutatási pályázatok külföldi konzorciumvezetőinek körében tapasztalható azzal kapcsolatban, hogy egyáltalán érdemes-e együttműködniük magyar egyetemekkel és kutatóintézetekkel. Ez a kétségekkel teli légkör károsan hathat a magyarországi kutatás nemzetközi megítélésére, amely hosszú távon akadályozhatja az ország tudományos versenyképességét.

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