Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Lendvai, László

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2023–


Scientific section: Section of Engineering Sciences (Section VI)
MTA identification number: 10057708
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10057708

Research fields

Polymer composites


Széchenyi István University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering


László Lendvai serves as an associate professor at the Széchenyi István University (Hungary). He earned his PhD degree summa cum laude at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) in 2019 in the field of mechanical engineering sciences. His scientific activity is focused on the development of polymer-based sustainable composites and blends, including their characterization and processing. The cumulative impact factor of his publications is ~80, and the number of his independent citations according to the WoS/Scopus databases exceeds 350 as of 2023. In recognition of his scientific results, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences supported him with the János Bolyai Research Scholarship in 2021. Additionally, he earned the Outstanding Young Researcher Award of the Veszprém Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2021), the Fulbright Research Scholarship (2022), the Eötvös Scholarship of the Hungarian State (2022), and he was a recipient of the New National Excellence Programme and the National Talent Programme several times (2017, 2019, 2021, 2022). He spent more than three months as visiting researcher at multiple foreign academic institutes, including the Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2022), the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States (2022), and the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento in Italy (2023).

HYA-related publications

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