Executive Board

The main decision-making body of HYA is its General Assembly, which convenes at least once a year. The operation of HYA is governed by the “Agreement of Association” (Statutes), which can be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership. HYA is managed by an Executive Board, composed of two co-chairs and five elected board members. Board members are elected by the membership for a one-year term whereas co-chairs, also elected directly, serve for an overlapping mandate of two years. Any member may be elected as co-chair for a maximum of two terms and as member of the Executive Board for a maximum of three times. The duties and powers of the Executive Board are specified in the HYA Statutes.


Szentgáli-Tóth, Boldizsár Artúr

Wilhelm Imola

Executive Board

Kun, Bernadette

Bagoly, Zsuzsa

Hartmann, Bálint

Hatvani, István Gábor

Lipták, Katalin