András N. Zsidó obtained his PhD degree in 2019 (supervisors: Anita Deák and László Bernáth) at the Doctoral School of Psychology, University of Pécs. He has been working as a university lecturer since 2016. He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of General and Evolutionary Psychology of the University of Pécs. He has founded and has been leading the Visual Cognition and Emotions Research Group since 2018, with five doctoral students and several undergraduate students. His research focuses on a more accurate understanding of how visual attentional and visual short-term memory biases work during the development and maintenance of specific phobias, and aims to contribute to the understanding of the processing mechanism of emotionally charged information. His work has been marked by 60 publications in international scientific journals, as well as numerous awards and recognitions, such as OTDK First Place, Presentation Award, and Pro Scinetia Gold Medal (2015), Junior Templeton Fellow (2015), Nation Young Talent Scholarship (2016), New National Excellence Program (2017, 2018, 2020), Hungarian National Eötvös Scholarship (2020), OTKA PD as principal investigator (2021–2024), Academic Youth Award (2023). He was a visiting researcher for 5 five and a half months at the Czech National Institute of Mental Health. András teaches cognitive psychology, methodology and statistical courses to undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students in Hungarian and in English. He is an active participant in international and Hungarian academic life, he is a member of the Psychonomic Society, the Psychological Science Accelerator. He is the president of the South Transdanubia Region of the Hungarian Psychological Society, and a member of the Scientific Affairs Committee of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association, among others. He regularly reviews articles for prestigious international journals and foreign scientific foundations. He is married with three children.