Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Ruppert, Tamás

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2024–


Scientific section: Section of Engineering Sciences (Section VI)
MTA identification number: 10060294
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10060294

Research fields

Computer sciences


University of Pannonia


Tamás Ruppert is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pannonia. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Computer Engineering and a master’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering. His research interests gradually shifted from Industry 4.0 to human-centred industrial solutions, Operator 4.0, and in this context he established and has been leading the Industry 5.0 Laboratory at the University of Pannonia, Veszprém. Recently, he developed an international research network, first at the University of Stuttgart (5 months) and then at the Technical University of Vienna (3 months). Since July 2017 as a research engineer and since September 2021 as the deputy head of the research team, he participated in the MTA – PE Complex Systems Monitoring research group led by Prof. János Abonyi, which has continued its operation as the HUN-REN-PE Complex Systems Monitoring research group. His research results have been published in numerous journal articles; he was awarded the MTA VEAB Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2022 and the Academic Youth Award in 2024. He also supervises PhD students at the PhD Schools of the University of Pannonia and the University of Óbuda, as well as TDK, thesis and dissertation topics, and has been giving demonstrations in his laboratory as part of the Researchers’ Night programme for several years.

HYA-related publications

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