Katalin Lipták works at the Institute of World and Regional Economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Miskolc as an associate professor and head of department at the Department of Labour Market and Employment Policy. Since March 2020, she has also been the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics responsible for academic studies. She graduated from the University of Miskolc in 2008 with a degree in economics, in 2015 with a degree in law and in 2019 with a degree in economics with a teaching qualification. She received her PhD summa cum laude from the Doctoral School of Business Theory and Practice in June 2013. Her PhD thesis is entitled: The impact of globalisation on regional labour markets – levelling out or disconnection. She has participated in several international and national research projects (Horizon 2020 MOVE project, OTKA K112928). Her results have been rewarded with several awards and distinctions. She also devotes as much time as possible to her activities in the promotion of academic public life, being active as secretary of the Regional Science Working Committee of MTA’s Miskolc Regional Committee, editorial secretary of the journal Észak-magyarországi Stratégiai Füzetek, member of the editorial board of the journal Tér és Társadalom and editor-in-chief of the Socialis Series in Social Science. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Committee for Regional Sciences, Section of Economics and Law (IX) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.