Zoltán Fekete, PhD, is an electrical engineer, who earned his degree in 2013. He is currently a senior research fellow with habilitation at the Faculty of Information Technology & Bionics, Pázmany Péter Catholic University. He is also acting as a research fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology, Research Center for Natural Sciences. He devotes his work to design, characterization and in vivo testing of micromachined brain-computer interfaces. He returned to Hungary in 2015 from the Department of Microsystems Engineering of the University of Freiburg, Germany to join the Hungarian Brain Research Programme as a principal investigator. Since then, he has been the leader of the Research Group of Implantable Microsytems, which was initially hosted by the Centre for Energy Research, and then moved to PPCU. He has been the PI of 12 domestic and international research grants. His results were published in 45 peer-reviewed journal papers (cumulative IF: 191), which have been cited more than 700 times. He supervised the work of four PhD students and of more than 25 undergraduates, who all received their degrees. His research has been supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany three times so far, while he was also awarded with the János Bolyai Fellowship in Hungary. He is currently acting as a regular reviewer of several prestigious scientific journals and foreign research programmes. He is married with two children.