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Pircs, Karolina

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2021–


Scientific section: Section of Biological Sciences (Section VIII)
MTA identification number: 10044049
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=32646

Research fields



HCEMM-SU Neurobiology and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Group, Institute of Translational Medicine, Semmelweis University


Karolina Pircs (Karolina Milena Pircs) obtained her PhD in cell biology with summa cum laude qualification in the laboratory of Prof. Gábor Juhász in Budapest, Hungary at Eötvös Lóránd University. Her impressive publication record with 9 publications during her PhD years (2 first author) and her unique expertise focusing on autophagy made her a great addition to the group of Prof. Johan Jakobsson, Molecular Neurogenetics laboratory at Lund University, Sweden as a Postdoc. Currently, Karolina is running two laboratories, one at Lund University as an Associate Senior Lecturer since 2019 and at Semmelweis University entitled HCEMM-SU Neurobiology and neurodegenerative diseases as a Senior Researcher since 2021. Her research interest is to understand, using young and old donor-derived induced neurons obtained from fibroblasts, how alterations in autophagy contribute to healthy ageing and the pathophysiology of age-related, chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington’s disease. The induced neuronal model is based on transdifferentiation, direct reprogramming of adult human dermal fibroblasts into neurons, in which the ageing signature of the donor cells is uniquely maintained. Generating induced neurons from individuals of various ages allows for producing and studying neurons of different ages. Therefore, direct neuronal reprogramming provides access to donor-derived neurons that contain both the genetic and ageing signature of the donor offering a cell model to study ageing and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. In the future, this model could help better understand the ageing process itself, as well as for discovering new drug targets. Karolina published 28 articles in international journals including a first author in Brain, Cell Reports, as well as several co-author studies in high-impact journals such as Cell Stem Cell, Autophagy, Nature Communications, EMBO J and Cell Systems. She has over 1,865 independent citations and a Hirsch index of 16. She is actively taking part in several national and international societies. She is a Mentor at the National Academy of Education (NTA) while also being a part of the organizing team of the Stem Cell Center Distinguished webinar series. Her scientific achievements have been recognized: the Swedish Research Council nominated her to join AcademiaNet, an expert database for outstanding female academics. In addition, she also received in 2019 an article of the year Lund Stem Cell Center award for her Cell Reports paper. She has been awarded several research grants over the past years totalling >3.000.000 EUR (Thematic Excellence Programme, 5-year HCEMM Junior Starting Grant, VR Establishment Grant, ICGEB, etc.). She is married with two children: Milena (2018) and Milos (2023).

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