Karolina Eszter Kovács is a psychologist, translator, and sport-psychodiagnostic counsellor. She obtained her PhD in 2019 in the Doctoral Programme on Educational Sciences at the University of Debrecen (School of Humanities). In her research, she mainly investigates health consciousness as a non-academic achievement of young people along different pedagogical and psychological factors, with a special focus on sport. She is a member of the Hungarian Educational Research Association (HERA) and the Hungarian Psychological Association (MPT) and a senior researcher at the Center for Higher Educational Research and Development (CHERD-H). Since 2019, she has worked as an assistant lecturer at the University of Debrecen. Since the academic year 2019/20, she has been a mentor and lecturer in the Talent Development Programme (DETEP) of the University of Debrecen, where she is currently mentoring psychology students. In 2022, she joined the Cambridge University ReachSci Global Programme, where she will be a local mentor in the summer of 2022, supporting undergraduate students interested in research who are underrepresented in the student population (e.g. women in STEM, undergraduate and masters students with disabilities). She has been the editor of the Hungarian Educational Research Journal (HERJ) since 2016 and managing editor since 2019. She was awarded a Universitas Foundation Fellowship in 2021, the National Talent Programme National Young Talent Fellowship in 2016 and the Pro Regione (For the Hungarian Countryside) Fellowship in 2014. In recognition of her volunteering activities, she received the HERA Certificate for volunteering activity in 2019.