Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Kelemen, Zsolt

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2023–


Scientific section: Section of Chemical Sciences (Section VII)
MTA identification number: 10056129
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10056129

Research fields

Inorganic chemistry


Department of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics


Zsolt Kelemen is an assistant professor at the Department of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He graduated in chemistry at the same department in 2015. After receiving his PhD, he spent his postdoctoral period first in Germany and then in Spain as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellow (2017–2019). His research interests include inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry and applied quantum chemistry. His research group’s main activities are focused on synthesizing new carborane- and ferrocene-based compounds and their possible applications in different fields. He published more than 50 research articles, in peer-reviewed international journals and received more than 500 independent citations. The cumulative impact factor is above 300. He received several prestigious grants and fellowships such as the Youth Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2023), János Bolyai fellowship (2022–2025), and Géza Schay Medal (2013). He has been involved in several national and international research projects during the last years: Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance (2022–2024), TKA-DAAD exchange programme (2021–2022), MTA-Premium postdoctoral fellowship (2019–2022), and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (2017–2019). He is married with two children, Levente (2020) and Csenge (2022).

HYA-related publications

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