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Kutus, Bence

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2024–


Scientific section: Section of Chemical Sciences (Section VII)
MTA identification number: 10061468
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10061468

Research fields

Physical and coordination chemistry


Institute of Chemistry, University of Szeged


Bence Kutus obtained his PhD degree at the University of Szeged; the topic of his dissertation was the characterization of metal complexes forming in strongly alkaline solutions, with strong industrial relevance. Following his doctoral studies, he worked as a research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Mainz, Germany) and was awarded a research fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. During his postdoctoral period, he studied the equilibria and dynamics of ion association processes, using dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Since 2022, he has been a research fellow at the Department of Molecular and Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of Szeged. His current research field concerns equilibrium reactions in heterogeneous and colloid systems, which play an important role in understanding and increasing the efficiency of numerous industrial processes (e.g. alumina production, treatment of bauxite reside, production of Li-ion batteries). He has co-authored 32 publications in international scientific journals (summa impact factor: 157.8), and a book chapter. He regularly holds lectures and laboratory practices in the fields of inorganic and analytical chemistry, and he also supervises bachelor and master students. His awards include the Junior Prima Award (2023), Pro Laudanda Promotione Award (2020), National Excellence Award (2015), and Sófi József Fellowship (2014). He was also selected as the best presenter in the young scientist session on two occasions (International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Xining, China, 2019 and Alumina Quality Workshop, Perth, Australia, 2015). He was awarded the Bolyai János Research Fellowship in 2023 and the OTKA Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2024. He is member of the Hungarian Chemical Society, the American Chemical Society, and the Coordination Chemistry Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

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