Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Barta, Veronika

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2024–


Scientific section: Section of Earth Sciences (Section X)
MTA identification number: 10048844
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10048844

Research fields

Natural sciences, space research, geophysics


HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science


Veronika Barta graduated in astronomy at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest in 2009. Her main field of interest is the coupling mechanisms within the Geospace environment. During her PhD, she studied the coupling mechanisms between the troposphere and the ionosphere using different statistical analyses and case studies. She defended her dissertation with summa cum laude in 2015. During her Fulbright Scholarship at the MIT in 2016, she started to study the ionospheric response to space weather events, especially solar flares. She has been the operator of the DPS4D Digisonde station at Sopron since its installation in 2018 and the Hungarian contact person of GIRO (Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory). She won the Women in Science Excellence Award in Space Science category in 2014. She received the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence award in 2017 and 2018. She has been guest editor at Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences and Remote Sensing journals. She has been the PI of national and international bilateral projects (e.g. OTKA PD_141967, Bilateral mobility project between the Czech and Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Currently, she is the leader of the Geospace Ionosphere Research Group at the HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (EPSS) and the leader of the Hungarian team in the T-FORS Horizon Europe project. She has been active in the scientific community as well. She has been the co-chair of IAGA Interdivisional Commission on History and the secretary of the Geophysical Scientific Committee of HAS since 2023.  She has been involved in the organization of several national and international conferences and workshops: since 2015, she was the chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the Hungarian Space Research Forum twice, and in 2019 and 2023, she was one of the main organizers of the Eötvös Loránd Memorial Exhibition at several international conferences (EGU, IUGG) within the framework of the Eötvös 100 and Eötvös 175 commemorative years. She lives in Sopron, and she is the mother of one child (Bertalan, 2020).

HYA-related publications

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