Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Kecskés, Gábor

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2020–


Scientific section: Section of Economics and Law (Section IX)
MTA identification number: 10042862
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=31479

Research fields

Law and political sciences, public international law, environmental law


HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies; Széchenyi István University


Gábor Kecskés was born in Komárom; he currently lives in Győr. He is an associate professor at the Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University, and a research fellow at the Institute for Legal Studies, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences. He obtained his PhD degree in 2012 for the dissertation entitled ‘The liability for environmental damages in public international law” (in Hungarian). He is the first Hungarian researcher to obtain a diploma in the field of nuclear law under the aegis of the International School of Nuclear Law organized by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the Université de Montpellier. He teaches public international law and environmental law. He has been the deputy-president of the Section of the Legal and Political Science, National Council of Student Research Societies since 2019. He took part in the Public International Law Session of the Hague Academy of International Law (2014) and obtained a summer school diploma in the environmental law and policy programme of the Kalliopi Koufa Foundation in Thessaloniki (2015). He taught several  courses abroad, for instance, at the Law Faculty of the Kyungpook National University (Daegu, Republic of Korea) in 2018. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals Acta Juridica Hungarica – Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, MTA Law Working Papers, Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensis, and he is also a member of the scientific advisory body of the journal Pro Futuro. He is a member of  the UN Association of Hungary (2012–),  the Hungarian Branch of the International Law Association (2009–),  the Working Group of Nuclear Security, and the Working Group of Nuclear Liability and Insurance of the International Nuclear Law Association (2010–). He was awarded the Environmental Scientific Youth Award by the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2011), the Medal for Legal Education in Győr (2013) and the Lecturer for the Students Award (2018).

HYA-related publications

In 2022, the Council of the European Union suspended research funding for Hungarian universities run by public trusts, stating that they were failing to uphold academic freedom and transparency. As this debate continues, Hungarian academics are increasingly isolated.

In 2022, citing the erosion of transparency and academic freedom in Hungary, the Council of the European Union suspended research related EU funding and exchange programmes to Hungarian universities run by newly established public interest trusts. There has been unceasing debate between the EU and Hungary since then, while the recent initial hearings of the universities’ appeals in the Court of Justice of the European Union suggest that lasting suspension will be the outcome. Here we summarize a comprehensive survey that reveals a troubling landscape for the Hungarian academic and research communities as a consequence of the ban. Particularly alarming is the pronounced impact on early career researchers, not just from institutions directly affected by the suspension but, strikingly, from those still eligible for funding. The findings of the survey underscore a pervasive uncertainty among non-Hungarian EU consortia leaders about whether to engage with Hungarian universities and research institutes at all. This climate of doubt may well result in detrimental effects on the international stature of Hungarian research, hinting at long-lasting impediments to the country's scientific competitiveness on the European stage.

2022-ben az Európai Unió Tanácsa az átláthatóság és az akadémiai szabadság csorbulására hivatkozva felfüggesztette az alapítványi fenntartású magyar egyetemek uniós kutatási forrásokhoz és csereprogramokhoz való hozzáférését. Az EU és Magyarország között azóta is folyamatos a vita, hat egyetem fellebbezésének közelmúltbeli első tárgyalása az Európai Unió Bíróságán pedig a források elhúzódó felfüggesztését valószínűsíti. Az alábbiakban egy átfogó kérdőíves felmérés eredményeit foglaljuk össze, amely a magyar tudományos- és kutatói közösséget érintő, a felfüggesztés következtében kialakult helyzetet tárja fel. Az eredmények közül különösen riasztó az a megállapítás, amely szerint a hatások nemcsak a felfüggesztett intézményekben dolgozókat, hanem a még finanszírozásra jogosult intézmények munkatársait is érintik. A felmérés eredményei rámutatnak arra az átható bizonytalanságra is, amely az EU-s kutatási pályázatok külföldi konzorciumvezetőinek körében tapasztalható azzal kapcsolatban, hogy egyáltalán érdemes-e együttműködniük magyar egyetemekkel és kutatóintézetekkel. Ez a kétségekkel teli légkör károsan hathat a magyarországi kutatás nemzetközi megítélésére, amely hosszú távon akadályozhatja az ország tudományos versenyképességét.

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