Még ebben az évben az MTA Gazdálkodástudományi Bizottság Kommunikációmenedzsment Munkabizottságának köztestületi tagjává, majd 2019-ben titkárává vált. A PTE KTK támogatásával (Visiting Scholar ösztöndíjjal) 2017 tavaszi félévében egy hónapot töltött az USA-ban, az Indiana University of Pennsylvania-n. Azóta vendégoktatóként és konferenciákon szerzett nemzetközi tapasztalatot (pl. Hollandia, Dánia, Izland, Finnország, Törökország). 2018-ban Farkas Ferenc Emlékdíjban részesült. 2019-ben az év oktatójának választotta a Janus Pannonius Közgazdasági Szakkollégium. Fontos számára a sport népszerűsítése, 2009-től a közhasznú Pécsi Takuma Aikido Egyesület elnöke és edzője.
Gábor Balogh received his diploma in management and leadership at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs (PTE) as well as in German-Hungarian translation. From 2009 to 2012, he completed his PhD at the Doctoral School of Regional Politics and Economics (thesis supervisor: Dr. Ferencné Farkas). Currently, he is a senior lecturer at the Institute of Leadership and Organisational Sciences of PTE KTK. From 2013 to 2014, he was a beneficiary of the Jedlik Ányos Grant for Doctoral Candidates of the National Excellence Programme. He earned his PhD in 2014 with his dissertation “Integrative talent management criteria in economic higher education”, for which he received the Harsányi István Award in 2015 in the PhD category from the Hungarian Innovation Alliance and the Board of the Manager Training Foundation. His research fields include human resource management (HRM), career and talent management, competence management, and communication management. The subject taught by him: talent management, human resources management, career management, coaching and counselling. In 2014, he was among the founders of the Faculty’s Competence and Talent Development Centre, and has been active as a mentor of the Talent Point ever since. In 2015 he obtained a qualification as a mentor at the Business Coach Academy, then in 2019 he received an advanced-level coach certificate at the one-year further training offered by GROW. In 2016 he was awarded the “Bonis bona – For the talents of the nation” prize by Zoltán Balogh, Minister for Human Capacities in the category of talent developers. In the same year, he became the public body member of the Communication Management Working Committee of the MTA Committee of Economic Sciences, then its secretary in 2019. He spent a month at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA during the spring term of 2017 with the support of PTE KTK (with a Visiting Scholar grant). Since then, he has enriched his international experience as a visiting scholar and as a lecturer at conferences (e.g. in the Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and Turkey). In 2018 he received the Ferenc Farkas Memorial Award. He was voted “Teacher of the Year 2019” by Janus Pannonius College for Advanced Studies in 2019. He is keen on popularizing sports, and has been the president and instructor of the Pécs Takuma Aikido Association since 2009.