
HYA membership is for a period of 5 years, at the end of which members become alumni. The rights of the alumni and their further role in the activities of HYA are determined by the Executive Board.

Order of Business

Article 10. Alumni

(1) According to the provisions of the Statutes, upon the expiration of their membership period, members shall become alumni. The rights of the alumni and their further role in the activities of HYA shall be determined by the Executive Board. The purpose of elaborating alumni regulations is to maintain an institutional, albeit looser, connection to HYA, which is largely justified by the professional support provided by the alumni and the advantage of the alumni’s professional network for HYA.

(2) After the expiration of the membership period, alumni shall be granted alumni status for an indefinite period of time, which, however, they shall be free to decline any time.

(3) Alumni shall have the right to use the title alumnus/alumna in relation to HYA.

(4) Alumni shall help to achieve the goals defined in the HYA Statutes, in line with the directions set by the Executive Board. Alumni shall have an opportunity to report on their HYA-related activities to the HYA Executive Board and the General Assembly. The HYA Executive Board shall keep the alumni informed about the activities of HYA with the help of an electronic mailing list dedicated to this purpose.

(5) Alumni shall have the right to participate in professional events organized by HYA and with the Executive Board’s consent, they shall be entitled to contact the HYA committees with their proposals or to give advice upon request. Alumni may attend the General Assembly at the request of the Executive Board.

(6) The Executive Board may ask the alumni to carry out certain activities related to the tasks defined in the HYA Statutes.

(7) Alumni shall have the right to consult with the HYA Advisory Board if at least 10 alumni members feel that the activities of HYA begin to diverge significantly from the goals specified in the Statutes, and may request the intervention of the HYA Advisory Board by indicating the problem. The alumni shall immediately inform the co-chairs of HYA about this action.

(8) The annual report of HYA may discuss the alumni’s activities, which is prepared by the Executive Board for MTA and the various HYA fora in consultation with the alumni.

Alpár, Donát

Bálint, Erika

Béni, Szabolcs

Csupor, Dezső

Dékány, Éva

Enyedi, Balázs

Ercsey-Ravasz, Mária-Magdolna

Gselmann, Eszter

Janáky, Csaba

Kiss, Gábor Gyula

Kóspál, Ágnes

Kovács, István János

Kubinyi, Enikő

Lengyel, Balázs

Máté, Ágnes

Neumann, Eszter

Ősi, Attila

Schlosser, Gitta

Sik, Domonkos

Solymosi, Katalin

Szöllősi Gergely J.

Toldi Gergely

Török Péter

Venglovecz Viktória