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Szilágyi, Adrienn

HYA membership

Period of HYA membership:  2020–


Scientific section: Section of Philosophy and Historical Sciences (Section II)
MTA identification number: 10050850
MTA link: https://mta.hu/koztestuleti_tagok?PersonId=10050850

Research fields

19th-century social history


Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History


Adrienn Szilágyi is an associate research fellow at the Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History and a member of the Momentum “Integrating Families” Momentum Research Group. Her postdoctoral research focuses on social networks and informal structures within the estates in the 19th century, including estate employees, relations between aristocracy and nobles, individuals and communities, and the family as a social, economic and emotional community. In the research team, she is responsible for developing a family reconstruction database across centuries and social groups. Her research helps understand the structure, relationships, and strategies of families, while responding to other historical problems as well. Her monograph is Loss of the Estate. Noble Families in the 19th-century Békés County, which describes the social and economic relations of the aristocratic and noble families of Békés County in the 19th century. She received the Gyula Benda Prize (2018, Hajnal István Circle Social History Association) and the Péter Hanák Prize (2019, Péter Hanák Foundation). In addition to her scientific work, she carries out educational activities, for example, leading 19th-century city history walks and building tours with the team of “Hosszúlépés. Járunk?”.

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