Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.



Survey on the situation of researchers under 45

A Fiatal Kutatók Akadémiája (FKA) 2021 őszén ismét felmérést készít a 45 év alatti kutatók helyzetéről. A kérdőív címe „Fiatalok az akadémiai pályán”, célja pedig, hogy tudományos igényű elemzés és adatok segítségével azonosíthassuk azokat a beavatkozásokat, amelyekre szükség van ahhoz, hogy minél több fiatal kutató lehessen sikeres Magyarországon a tudományos életpályán.

The questionnaire can be filled in (in Hungarian) until 8 October at this link:


This research continues and expands on a previous survey carried out by the founding members of HYA in 2018. For the detailed research report of that questionnaire survey (in Hungarian), please click here.

The 2018 survey resulted in the creation of the Hungarian Young Academy, which has since represented the views of respondents in several science policy studies. A landmark achievement following the publication of the survey was that thanks to the cooperation with TUDOSZ (Trade Union of Workers in Science and Innovation), the Hungarian State’s Eötvös Scholarship now grants an age allowance for time spent on childbearing. Priority topics identified in the survey are regularly discussed at the Young Researchers Forum organized annually by HYA, which also initiates additional information events and mentoring programmes for various calls for research proposals.

By completing the questionnaire, you will support HYA in its efforts to provide a scientific assessment of the working and living circumstances of young researchers in academia. The findings of the survey will be published by HYA in 2022. Please fill in the questionnaire and also help to disseminate it among researchers under 45 working in as many areas and institutions as possible. Thank you for your time and effort!