Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Webinar on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions postdoctoral fellowships by NRDIO and HYA

In order to bolster the competitivity of Hungarian early-career researchers, the Hungarian Young Academy (HYA) considers it essential for researchers to gain research experience abroad and to promote the importance of such experience. From the perspective of Hungarian science workshops, it is also of paramount importance to promote international mobility towards Hungary. With a view to that, the National Research, Development and Innovation Agency (NRDIO), together with HYA, is hosting a webinar on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) programme on 18 May 2022 from 10:00 to 12:45.

The first half of the webinar will focus on giving a general description of the types of proposals and calls. In the second part, the presenters will provide guidance and practical tips for those researchers and the representatives of host institutions who are planning to submit proposals for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship this year (submission deadline: 14 September 2022).

The workshop will be streamed on YouTube. Questions from participants will be answered via the Slido application. Participation is free, but registration is mandatory. The language of the workshop will be Hungarian.

Please indicate your intention to attend on the link below by 16 May 2022:


Registered participants will receive a direct link on 17 May 2022 by e-mail, which will include the link for YouTube and the Slido app.

For further information, please contact: Nóra Jeney, MSCA NCP (nora.jeney@nkfih.gov.hu); Beatrix Borza, MSCA NCP (beatrix.borza@nkfih.gov.hu)

All those interested are most welcome to attend!