Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.



Researchers’ Night 2024 – Wonders of science brought to you by members of the Hungarian Young Academy

This year again, come and check out the exciting lectures given by members of the Hungarian Young Academy at numerous universities across the country. Visitors can enjoy a rich variety of talks on topics such as natural phobias, the meeting of science and art under the microscope, plant senses, aurora borealis, cell reprogramming, 3D printing of plastics, ageing and artificial intelligence. All are welcome, but please note that the language of the sessions will be Hungarian.

See the links below for details:


POÓR Péter, ÖRDÖG Attila, CZÉKUS Zalán, KUKRI András, PELSŐCZI Alina, KOPRIVANACZ Péter, MILODANOVIC Dávid Plants and the 5 senses
KECSKÉS Gábor There is no Plan B! The future of our planet is up to us – children’s rights and the environment
ZSIDÓ András Natural phobias – Why are we (not) afraid of nature?
SOLYMOSI Katalin Science meets Art in microscopic images
SOLYMOSI Katalin Science meets Art in microscopic images
SOLYMOSI Katalin, BICZÓ Máté, HANZMANN Lili, SCHUBERT Helga Fanni Interactive plants and algae under the microscope
BARTA Veronika, SZÁRNYA Csilla, BOZSÓ István, RUBÓCZKI Tibor The timeliness of Loránd Eötvös
BARTA Veronika Aurora Borealis in Hungary – A spectacular manifestation of the Sun-Earth connection
WILHELM Imola, NAGY Valentina The battle between the blood-brain barrier and tumour cells
VÖRÖS Kinga, SRAMKÓ Bendegúz, PIRCS Karolina From skin to brain – basic cellular reprogramming
VARGA Ágnes, KIS Balázs, PIRCS Karolina How to sort living cells?
ABBAS Anna, PILLÁR Vivien, SŐTH Ármin, PIRCS Karolina Handful science, interactive lab visit
LENDVAI László 3D printing of polymers
RUPPERT Tamás Industry 4.0 and the human workers – Introduction of the new Operator 4.0 laboratory
KEREPESI Csaba Aging clocks: How old are we according to artificial intelligence?