Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Éva Dékány elected member of Global Young Academy


On 28 February, the Global Young Academy published the list of its newly elected members. We are happy to announce that with the election of Éva Dékány, Hungarian young researchers will be once again represented in this international body for another five years. Earlier, Gergely Toldi also had been a member of GYA for five years before becoming an alumnus of the organization last summer.

The aim of the Global Young Academy (GYA) is to represent young researchers worldwide. It elects its 200 members on the basis of their scientific achievements and their commitment to the cause of young researchers; its 327-member engaged alumni community popularizes the organization all over the world. GYA active members and its alumni community represent a total of 94 countries.

GYA members take part in working groups, strategic projects and cooperations, issue statements in global topics, and hold trainings for young researchers to help them acquire important skills and competences such as science communication and science advice.

In addition, GYA supports the foundation of national young academies, and organizes meetings for their representatives.