Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.



Lecture on situation of young researchers in Hungary at Festival of Hungarian Science 2018

In 2018, nine young researchers (Donát Alpár, Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi, Éva Dékány, Enikő Kubinyi, Ágnes Máté, Balázs Munkácsy, Eszter Neumann, Katalin Solymosi, Gergely Toldi) prepared the first large-scale survey bringing to light and analysing the situation of researchers under 45 in Hungary. The questionnaire was filled in by 1,779 respondents. At the event entitled “Where is the limit?” held in the framework of the Festival of Hungarian Science, the findings of the survey were presented by Éva Dékány.

Programme: https://mta.hu/mtu_esemenynaptar/2018-11-13-hol-a-hatar-a-fiatal-kutatok-helyzete-magyarorszagon-2365#

Report on the event (in Hungarian): https://tudomanyplaza.hu/fiatal-kutatok-helyzete-magyarorszagon/

Full text of the research report (in Hungarian): https://mta.hu/data/dokumentumok/fiatal_kutatok_helyzete_felmeres_eredmeny.pdf