Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


Call for applications to Bolyai and NRDIO_PD HYA Mentoring Programme

Winning applicants will receive advice on the development of their applications in two consultation sessions from mentors who have themselves applied for these grants with success and have extensive experience in writing and reviewing research proposals. Applicants who will have successfully obtained a Bolyai Scholarship or a PD grant will commit to mentor future applicants in the next round of the mentoring programme.

Download call for application (in Hungarian)

The mentoring programme initiated by HYA is organised on a voluntary basis and is independent of the activities of the Bolyai Scholarship’s Board of Trustees and the NRDIO. Neither HYA, nor the individual mentors shall guarantee the success of the research projects mentored. No objections or appeals may be lodged against the decision on the winners of the call.

Questions regarding the mentoring programme should be sent to this e-mail address: fkamentorprogram@gmail.com

Applicants: young researchers with a PhD who wish to submit a proposal for the János Bolyai Postdoctoral Research Scholarship and/or the NRDIO_PD grant in 2023.

Aim of the call: to help applicants successfully apply by providing 2 consultation sessions per person concerning the elaboration of their CVs, experimental and work plan and scientometrics tables.

Mentors: topics endorsed may cover any area of the 11 Scientific Sections of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Expected total number of mentorees in the two programmes: maximum 30 persons.

Method of selection: depending on the chronological order of the applications and the areas of expertise of the volunteering mentors, the mentors themselves shall decide about the selection of the winning applicants.

How to apply: applicants must fill in and submit via e-mail the application form and its annexes (please save all your documents in pdf format as well before submission).

Application form (in Hungarian)

Data processing consent (in Hungarian)

Deadline for submitting proposals:

Bolyai Mentoring Programme: 21 February 2023 (extended deadline!)

NRDIO_PD Mentoring Programme: 4 April 2023

Proposals must be submitted electronically (by e-mail) to fkamentorprogram@gmail.com, addressed to Zsuzsanna Ördögné Kolbert and Gábor Balogh. Application forms and the mandatory annexes must be attached in pdf format.

Applicants selected for Bolyai mentoring will be notified by: 22 February 2023

For NRDIO_PD mentoring: 14 April 2023

Co-ordinators of the mentoring programme: Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Imola Wilhelm and Gábor Balogh.

Budapest, 10 February 2023