Why the Academy of Young Researchers is good − from the eyes of a mathematician

September 28, 2023 11:13 am Published by

The first youth academy, Die Junge Akademie, was founded in Germany in 2000. This set in motion such processes that today there are around 54 national youth academies in the world, from Albania to Zimbabwe. In addition to these organizations, which usually have between 25 and 60 members, there are five other similar, independent regional or international organizations, including the Global Young Academy founded in 2010 and the Young Academy of Europe, which has been operating since 2012. Although the operational frameworks, legal and financial situations of the world’s young academies are diverse, they all consider their main objective to be to provide society with authentic, up-to-date information about the most current results of science, to support young researchers, and to mediate between (young) researchers and among decision makers.

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