The year 2020 was the second occasion that the Hungarian Young Academy (HYA) could join in the programme series of the Festival of Hungarian Science at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In the framework of the HYA event held on 11 November 2019 under the title “Tudománykommunikáció – eredmények közvetítése a kutatóktól a társadalomig” (Science communication – transferring scientific results from researchers to society), HYA Co-Chair Éva Dékány delivered her opening remarks, after which her fellow Co-Chair Péter Török gave a brief presentation on the history of the creation of the Hungarian Young Academy and the goals of the organisation. Among the latter, he underlined the importance of fostering a dialogue between researchers and society, and promoting the appropriate transfer of scientific results, which constituted the central topic of this year’s programme.
The first presenter, Marcel den Dikken (Eötvös Loránd University and the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics) shared his experience gained as editor-in-chief regarding the pre-requisites for the successful placement of publications in prestigious international journals. In the following, Dezső Csupor (HYA member, University of Szeged) delivered an informal talk about the personal responsibility of researchers to transmit reliable and valid scientific information as well as the findings of their state-funded research to society through various channels. The last speaker, Tamás Simon (MTA Communications Department) suggested some possible ways to make the activities of an institution and its staff members visible and make them known to as broad layers of society as possible. The interesting presentations were followed by a public forum and debate session about how to render the publication of Hungarian scientific results more efficient, how to improve the quality of dissemination, and in what ways young researchers and the Hungarian Young Academy could facilitate that.
We would like to thank the organisers (Dezső Csupor, Éva Dékány, Enikő Kubinyi, Katalin Solymosi, Ágnes Máté, Gergely Toldi, Péter Török) for putting together such an exciting programme and our thanks also go the participants for their active and enthusiastic involvement in the event.