The Hungarian Young Academy is organising a series of scientific lectures entitled “Plants in the Focus” on 31 May from 9:00 a.m. at the HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences in connection with the international Fascination of Plants Day (https://plantday18may.org/).
This is the seventh time that plant scientists from all over the world are celebrating this plant festival with programmes coordinated by the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO). The aim of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of plants to as many people as possible. It is important to make people aware of the fundamental contribution of plant sciences to the sustainability of agriculture, horticulture and forestry, the preservation of a healthy natural environment, and the production of healthy and quality food and numerous environmentally friendly industrial products.
The Hungarian Young Academy’s event will feature presentations by current and alumni HYA members.
Date: 31 May 2024 (Friday) 9:00-11:00
Location: HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences, 1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2.
9:00 Opening
9:15 Dr. Katalin Solymosi: What are plants good for?
9:30 Dr. Péter Poór: The night life of plants
9:45 Dr. Kata Horváti Kata: With active plant substances against viruses
10:00 Dr. Erika Bálint: The innovative production and utilisation of capsaicin, the active substance of hot pepper
10:15 Dr. Péter Török: The restoration of plant communities: A brief introduction to restoration ecology
10:30 Dr. Gábor Kecskés: Plants and the CITES Convention – trade in endangered species under international law
10:45 Closing remarks
All are welcome, but please note that the language of the lectures will be Hungarian.