Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.


New management elected at Hungarian Young Academy

At the end of March, the HYA membership voted on the new co-chair (for the period of 2024–2026) and the new board members (for a one-year mandate). From the eleven applications for board membership and one application for the position of co-chair, the following have won favour with the HYA members who voted by secret ballot: Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, incoming co-chair, and board members Zsuzsa Bagoly, Bálint Hartmann, István Gábor Hatvani, Bernadette Kun and Katalin Lipták. Together with Imola Wilhelm, remaining co-chair, they will lead the Hungarian Young Academy from 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025. We wish them all success for their work! Simultaneously, we would also like to thank the outgoing co-chair, Gábor Kecskés and outgoing board members, Georgina Fröhlich and Ákos Lencsés for their efforts and contributions.