Our vision for the future is to have a scientific and educational ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all young researchers.



3rd edition of Young Researchers’ Forum held in the framework 191st MTA General Assembly (May 2019)

3rd Young Researchers’ Forum at MTA – Programme

Supporting young researchers’ careers in Hungary – The importance of grant schemes and scholarships in research career paths

Date and time: 8 May 2019, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Venue: Palace of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, “Small Room”

10:30–10:35 Welcome speech

– Dr. Péter Török, Co-chair of the Hungarian Young Academy

10:35–10:45 Achievements and plans of the Hungarian Young Academy, and its planned activities with a view to providing more efficient support for the application of young researchers

– Dr. Éva Dékány, Co-chair of the Hungarian Young Academy

10:45–11:05 Calls and scholarship for young researchers from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

– Dr. Árvácska Sárpátki, Deputy Head of Department for Research Grants of MTA Secretariat

11:05–11:20 Calls and future plans of NRDIO for young researchers

– Dr. István Szabó, NRDIO Vice-President for Innovation and General Affairs

11:20–12:30 Public forum and debate session

Moderator: Dr. Péter Török, Co-chair of the Hungarian Young Academy, 2-minute contributions and answers

  • Is there a way to harmonise grant schemese harmonised?
  • Intertwining of career paths and grants, or the importance of the predictability of careers and career paths



Erika Bálint, Éva Dékány, Katalin Solymosi, Gergely Toldi, Péter Török