For a detailed account of the Forum (in Hungarian): Teltház a Fiatal Kutatók Fórumán
Initiated by Prof. László Lovász, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the 1st Young Researchers’ Forum took place in the framework of MTA’s General Assembly. In his opening remarks, President Lovász said that young generations of researchers must be involved in academic public life, and he encouraged those present to decide for themselves in what framework they would deem best to ensure their participation in scientific public life.
The Forum continued with a lecture by Gábor Makara, member of the Academy, entitled “Open Access: Revolution in Science Communication?”, followed by a roundtable discussion about the importance of open access publications. Next, Gergely Toldi presented the activities of the Global Young Academy and talked about the plan to establish a “Young People’s Academy” in Hungary as well.
Click here to watch the Forum on video: