We extend a warm welcome to our new HYA members elected for the period of 2023–2028!
We will count of the commitment of the following young researchers from the domain of humanities and social sciences:
Gyöngyi Csongrádi (Budapest Business School)
Bernadette Kun (Eötvös Loránd University)
Petra Mátyás-Rausch (Research Centre for the Humanities)
From the domain of mathematics and natural sciences:
Zoltán Fekete (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
Kata Horváti (Research Centre for Natural Sciences)
Zsolt Kelemen (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
László Lendvai (Széchenyi István University)
Emőke Mohr (Eötvös Loránd University)
Zsófia Sódorné Bognár (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
From the domain of life sciences:
Zsuzsa Bagoly (University of Debrecen)
Csaba Kerepesi (Institute for Computer Science and Control)
Szilvia Veszelka (Biological Research Centre, Szeged)
Last year the membership of the Hungarian Young Academy reached its maximum of 60 persons, which also meant that with the election of our 12 new members this year, those 12 HYA members who had been with us for the longest time stopped being active members and became the first HYA alumni. Currently, the HYA alumni body is composed of the following researchers:
Szabolcs Béni
Dezső Csupor
Gábor Gyula Kiss
István János Kovács
Enikő Kubinyi
Eszter Neumann
Attila Ősi
Gitta Schlosser
Katalin Solymosi, former HYA co-chair (2021–2023)
Gergely János Szöllősi
Péter Török, former HYA co-chair (2019–2022)
Viktória Venglovecz
Thank you very much for all your work for HYA and we will continue to count on you in the future! We are especially grateful to our two former co-chairs, Katalin Solymosi and Péter Török, who have been instrumental in shaping the Hungarian Young Academy into what it is today. We wish them plenty of success for their continued scientific career and their science policy activities!